When implemented correctly, the principles of Education Transformation can transform an institution’s culture and operations. This approach can increase organizational health and flexibility in the long run. True transformation can boost an institution’s operating surplus by as much as 20 percent, with the surplus money reinvested back into the institution’s mission. However, to achieve real transformation, an institution must engage in an intense operations-wide program that focuses on improving student outcomes and boosting organizational health. These programs share five features that make them successful.
Transformative learning
During the process of transformational learning, students examine their own assumptions and perspective, which shapes their understanding of the world. They analyze their beliefs and assumptions and make plans for a new direction. This process helps students become more open-minded to new information and thoughts. Teachers are responsible for helping students develop transformative thinking skills and strategies. These techniques can be very beneficial to educators and students alike. The following are some tips for teachers on how to implement transformative learning strategies.
Curriculum transformation
The process of curriculum transformation is more complex than one might think, and the role of politics and social views in education also plays an important role. It is not clear exactly where all institutions stand in the process, and some have made only a modest amount of progress and others may have been completely resistant to change. Another factor that affects curriculum transformation is the state of faculty. The article outlines some of the challenges of curriculum transformation in Singapore. However, the debate should not be limited to Singapore, and it should be used as a model for broader educational transformation.
Teaching and learning
Today, the role of the classroom is changing. Students need life skills, such as initiative, self-direction, productivity and responsibility. These skills cannot be taught through traditional teaching methods, which are built on the assumptions that learning is a static process that must be repeated indefinitely. This shift in teaching and learning requires profound changes in assessment, instructional methodology, professional development, and culture. Here are five ways to foster these changes.
Also Read : Education Issues Around the World
One large network of higher education institutions sought to identify its full potential and create a shared vision for change. In addition to creating a shared vision, the leadership team met with the leaders of each institution to discuss how they could improve organizational health and student outcomes. Together, they set ambitious goals to increase enrollment, improve organizational health, and lower costs. In order to succeed, leadership must embrace innovative approaches and be willing to take self-confident leaps.
Community engagement
University leaders are increasingly committed to involving their campuses in their communities. However, many struggle to find the resources or strategic focus to bring community engagement to the forefront of campus life. By building relationships between campus and community, place-based community engagement has the potential to foster educational and social transformation. In this article, we explore the benefits of place-based community engagement in education. This type of approach is based on the principle of collective impact and aims to engage both campus and community for mutual benefit.
Campus operations
The campus is a complex, chaotic place. Students, faculty, and staff are burdened by coronavirus outbreaks and academic performance, and campus leaders are forced to spend increasing amounts of time on improving sustainability. As a result, campus employees must be freed from routine administrative and labor-intensive tasks. To free campus employees from these burdens, campuses should adopt an intelligent workforce management platform. These technologies can help campuses free up employees’ time for mission-driven activities, such as student engagement.